Try the CatchPulse Pro free trial for 30 days

Users interested to try CatchPulse Pro can do so for 60 days. Follow these instructions to start your CatchPulse Pro trial:

  1. Download CatchPulse.

  2. Create a CatchPulse Account or log on to an existing one. A CatchPulse Account is required in order to take advantage of the additional features of the Pro version.

  3. Click on Sign up for an account and fill in the details on the required fields in creating your CatchPulse account, most especially the valid email address.

  4. To complete the Sign Up process, open the email that you have entered and click on the verification link sent by our servers.

  5. Upon verifying your CatchPulse account, or if you already had one, simply key in your email address and password and click Log In.

  6. Launch CatchPulse > Settings > License

  7. The CatchPulse Pro License will automatically be added in the License Code information.

    Success! Proceed with the trial of your current PC installation of CatchPulse.

There is no need to do anything further like entering a license code. The CatchPulse install from which you clicked the Pro Trial has already been automatically upgraded to Pro for the next 90 days.

This CatchPulse install on your computer has also been added as one of your devices to your CatchPulse Account and you can already start viewing its security status by logging in to the CatchPulse Portal.

Other Information About the CatchPulse Pro Trial

The CatchPulse Pro trial is only valid once per PC but there are no limitations on how many PCs with CatchPulse Pro you can link to the same CatchPulse Account.

Moving a CatchPulse Pro Trial from one CatchPulse Account to another will not reset the trial nor will it be eligible for another one upon transfer.

Once the Pro Trial period expires, your CatchPulse install will revert back to a Lite license. The computers will still be linked to your CatchPulse Account and viewable in the Devices section.

However, the added features will cease to function, most notably the downgraded Lite Licenses will no longer have updated security status updates and email alerts that are unique to CatchPulse Pro.

Support and feedback

Should you encounter any issues using CatchPulse with any of the mentioned or missed requirements above, you can always write to us a

This page was last updated: March 28, 2024