Downloading ClamAV virus definitions without internet

Note: To download ClamAV virus definitions for offline machines

Manual method

  1. Head to to download the AV definitions.

  2. Click on Virus Database.

  3. Download the following files:

  4. At the machine that does not have the internet connection, copy the files to C:\ProgramData\ClamAV\db:

  5. A reboot may be required for the engine to load the new virus definitions files.

Automatic method

Note: This feature is only available for enterprise users.

For enterprise users that would like to set up a machine that is connected to the internet so that it can become a private mirror of ClamAV virus definitions, you may follow these instructions instead. The other machines that are in your private network will download the virus definitions from this machine rather than directly from ClamAV (other machines may not have internet access).

  1. Head to to learn how to set up the private mirror.

  2. At the client side, users need to manually set the Virus Signature Server to their mirror server.

    For mass installation, users can create autoconf.ini with the following entries:

Support and feedback

Should you encounter any issues using SecureAPlus with any of the mentioned or missed requirements above, you can write to us a

This page was last updated: May 15, 2024